Hans Puccinelli

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All the way from Lima, Peru, Chef Hans is a long way from where he started. He planted his culinary roots in sunny Miami, then St Catherines, Ontario, before making Calgary his home. Taking his formal training at SAIT Polytechnic, where his love for European cuisine truly flourished. “We had great European instructors and master chefs to learn from. I fell in love with European cuisine, the extent of European cuisine. Especially French.”

Over the years, Chef Puccinelli has led the kitchens of an eclectic array award-winning restaurants. Through these experiences, he has turned that love for French cuisine into a love of all things food and beverage. He now steers the ship not only for Redwood Meadows Clubhouse, but also for their events and catering services. Chef Hans’ love for what he does, shines through in the food he prepares. Chef credits quality as the driving factor in his operations, “We’re trying to be different here in a way that keeps the members and guests happy.”

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